JCAN NYC Assembly District 69 Candidates Forum

On May 14th,  JCAN NYC hosted a live Candidates Forum for the open seat in Assembly District 69 being vacated by Assemblymember Danny O’Donnell.  Micah Lasher, Eli Northrup, Carmen Quinones and Melissa Rosenberg demonstrated their knowledge and passion about the climate crisis,  shared how they’ve worked for climate solutions, and spoke about environmental justice, the  NY HEAT Act and other climate legislation. 

For more information:

·       Watch the video of the candidates forum, it’s incredibly informative!

·       Read the candidates’ climate statements below and access their websites for more information.

 If you live in Assembly District 69, please share this post with your friends and neighbors. And remember to vote.  Early voting extends from Saturday, June 15 through Sunday June 23; election day is Tuesday, June 25. 

  1. Micah Lasher: Statement on Climate Issues for the Jewish Climate Action Network (micahlasher.com)

I believe that climate change is the existential crisis and public policy challenge of our time — and that New York must be a leader in implementing bold and creative solutions to the climate crisis. I have a long track record working to advance government action that responds to climate change, and would continue that work in the State Assembly.

In 2022, just weeks after joining Governor Hochul’s administration as Policy Director for the State of New York, I helped craft a statewide proposal to ban gas in new buildings, which we included in the 2022 State of the State and Executive Budget, but which was not accepted by the Legislature. Undeterred, we tried again in 2023 and were successful. It was the first statewide ban in the nation. Also in 2023, I helped advance cap-and-invest as an economywide strategy to meet the objectives of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), and also to find a compromise on expanding the New York Power Authority’s involvement in building renewable energy projects. This year, I was proud to help include proposals to eliminate utility rules that prolong our dependency on fossil fuels in the Executive Budget, along with a proposal to improve renewable energy siting procedures. While the latter was accepted by the Legislature and enacted, the former was not; I will take up the cause if I am fortunate enough to be elected to the Assembly.

Previously, as Chief of Staff in the New York State Attorney General’s office from 2013 to 2016, I played a key role in the office’s case against Peabody Coal for deceiving investors about the impacts of climate change and attendant regulatory changes, and helped initiate a landmark investigation into Exxon around a similar set of legal questions. And prior to that, as Director of State Legislative Affairs for the City of New York, I helped pass S.1145-C (2010), to move buildings away from high-emissions heating oil.

In the State Assembly, I will be a forceful voice for aggressive action on climate change, including fighting for these crucial pieces of legislation:

• the New York HEAT Act, to continue chipping away at the cycle of fossil fuel dependency;

• the Climate Change Superfund Act, to make fossil fuel producers pay for resiliency investments according to the harm their products have caused;

• the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act, to reduce single-use plastics and packaging waste by 50%; and

• the Green Buidlings Act, to provide tax relief for co-ops and condos tied to emissions reductions.

 I will also fight to build the political will and consensus in support of making the tough calls necessary to implement the CLCPA and meet its emissions reductions targets.

 I view the work of tackling climate change as a moral obligation, consistent with the Jewish values on which I was raised — to repair the world, to tend our collective garden, and to protect the vulnerable.

2. Eli Northrup: Statement for JCAN (eli4ny.com)

Climate policy is core to my campaign. My father, Brad Northrup, worked for the Nature Conservancy for almost 40 years. He cared deeply about the environment and community and being helpful to others, values that had a huge influence on me. He passed away two years ago, and when he died, it was a wake up call for me. I carry his legacy with me both as a policy advocate and now as a candidate for NY Assembly District 69.

Climate change is a policy crisis and a spiritual one - a crisis created by the hypocrisy of powerful interests with impacts felt most on the most vulnerable, and that demands community action to meet this moment. I am committed to taking bold action to combat climate change and want to make sure I am talking regularly to the people with a long-term vision for the future and to the people most impacted by environmental justice issues, such as those living in environmental justice areas, youth New Yorkers like the Sunrise Movement NYC (who has endorsed me in this race), Jewish and faith-based climate leaders like JCAN New York, Amadah, and the Jewish Climate Leadership Coalition amongst others, and more. I will cosponsor existing bills like the NY Heat Act, the Climate Change Superfund Act, the Just Energy Transition Act, and Stop Climate Polluters Handouts Acts to ensure we end egregious state subsidies to climate crisis contributors, make sure the worst polluters pay for the harms they cause, ensure we redevelop and replace fossil fuel facilities and sites by 2030 and given government the authority and direction to align gas utilities with state law's emission reduction and climate justice mandates. Further, air quality remains a climate and public health priority. I will work to build on existing local and state policies to ensure that our public transportation infrastructure minimizes emissions and eliminates the use of fossil fuels, while also making sure that it is safe and efficient to reduce the need for private vehicles on the streets, and will work to create indoor air quality standards that support buildings having the proper ventilation and measurement tools to protect people against airborne harms and air quality events. I appreciate JCAN’s leadership as a Jewish community movement pushing powerfully to choose hope, blessings and life by advocating for climate forward policies and look forward to working with you in this fight.

3. Carmen Quinones: Strengthening Our Global Environmental Commitment Through Partnership (carmenquinones.com)

Dear Members of the Jewish Climate Action Network

As President of Douglas Housing, my commitment to environmental justice and sustainability is deeply personal and a major focus of my professional work. Your dedication to Tikkun Olam- repairing the world through climate action-resonates strongly with my vision for a sustainable future.

Witnessing the severe effects of environmental degradation in urban areas has solidified my resolve to combat global warming and ecological destruction. The connection between environmental health and public well-being, both mental and physical, is undeniable. Pollution and environmental neglect not only worsen health disparities but also degrade the quality of life for all living beings.

The impact of climate change on our ecosystems, from vast oceans to urban green spaces, reinforces the urgency of our mission. The decline in biodiversity and disruption of habitats affect everything from food security to disaster resilience, presenting clear and present challenges to our communities and future generations.

My efforts as a leader and policymaker include advancing initiatives that reflect JCAN's goals: promoting green infrastructure, advocating for reduced environmental footprints, and supporting community-led environmental programs. These efforts aim to empower communities, enhance environmental education, and promote sustainable practices..

 The vision for our partnership is to combine our resources, expertise, and networks to tackle the root causes of climate change effectively. By working together, we can extend our reach and magnify our impact, creating lasting change for a healthier, more resilient world..

 I am eager to collaborate with JCAN in a partnership that goes beyond traditional collaboration, one that redefines our stewardship of the planet. Let's unite our strengths and work towards securing a sustainable future for all. I look forward to discussing how we can turn our shared vision into reality.

Warm regards

Carmen Quinones President, Douglas Housing 

(917) 848-5146   (347) 666-9344

4. Melissa Rosenberg: JCAN Statement from Melissa Rosenberg, Candidate for AD-69 (melissaforny.com)

Climate justice isn't just a buzzword for me; it's a guiding principle driving my campaign to ensure a fair and sustainable future for all. I have a proven track record of advocating for policies and development initiatives that uplift our community as well as marginalized communities disproportionately affected by environmental degradation. As a member of Community Board 7 for the last seven years, I have consistently supported initiatives aimed at addressing climate change, reducing waste, improving public transit infrastructure and prioritizing pedestrian and bike safety. Professionally, I spearheaded efforts for one of the largest residential geothermal projects in the United States, as well as assisted nonprofits serving the most vulnerable New Yorkers in adapting affordable housing through green retrofit programs.

Affordability is a core tenet of my campaign and I believe it must extend beyond just housing to also consider essential needs like ensuring access to a habitable living space that is heated and cooled. I support the NY HEAT Act and believe that tying a necessary cost-of-living to income is humane and good public policy. Additionally, I am extremely supportive of shifting the responsibility for dealing with plastic waste back to producers. Consumer and public responsibility for dealing with a negative consequence produced by wealthy corporations is an incorrect and dated framework that we must move away from. For this reason I support the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act. As an Assembly Member, I will continue to advocate for policies such as these that foster sustainable development and prioritize climate protections for all residents of Assembly District 69 and beyond.
