Pre-shabbat action
Make climate action a regular habit, and connect that action to your Jewish values and practices.
Pre-shabbat action of the week
Shabbat Shalom! As we inch toward spring and see signs of the natural world awakening from the dormancy of winter, take time to take a walk outside this Shabbat, look around, and be reminded of all that we are working to save: not only the plants and animals, clean air and water, but the people in our families and communities.
Yesterday, a group of activists gathered in Albany to rally and lobby legislators to include the NY HEAT Act in this year’s budget. The Senate has already included NY HEAT in its version of the budget, but the Assembly has yet to act - and we want to make sure the bill ends up in the final version, due April 1. As utility companies raise rates, this legislation is more important than ever for ensuring that energy costs are capped at 6% of income as well as ending taxpayer subsidies for new gas hookups and shifting ratepayer funds toward building renewable energy infrastructure. Click here to send an email to your legislator - and be sure to mention you’re from JCAN!
Idea to Ponder:
In this week’s parsha, Parshat Vayakhel, we read about the construction of the mishkan, the tabernacle that is used in the desert as a holy meeting place for God and a place to come together in community. Moses asks that Israelites, whose hearts are so moved, contribute gifts to be used in constructing the tabernacle and the priestly garments. The people give so much and such variety that Moses has to ask them to stop contributing. Like the Israelites, we have the opportunity to give freely and generously of ourselves in order to build and nurture a global community centered around bringing Godliness and holiness into the world. Over Shabbat, perhaps we can reflect on the following: What gifts, what talents, what skills, what mindset, what contributions shall each of us give?