We believe in a just transition to a sustainable future through
education, action and advocacy.
By joining together as Jews, raising our collective voice for climate action and asking how we can live more sustainable lives, we seek to move the entire Jewish community to action. Nothing is more urgent, for ourselves, our children and the future of our planet.
“When we contemplate the physical creation as a whole, we see that it is all as one organism... We see this in every plant, every living being”
Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak HaKohen Kook, Orot Hakodesh II:431
Act and Advocate
We mobilize Jews to become advocates for climate action by marching, letter writing, calling and meeting with elected officials, and providing legislative testimony. Learn more about our advocacy work.
Learn and Educate
Whether in our monthly meetings, through speaking with synagogues, or in our own daily personal actions, we strive to learn about climate issues and how we can live sustainably. We bring in experts to speak on relevant issues, host educational events, and create resources. Learn more about our programs.
Take Action Now
We need your voice in our movement today.
Jews and the Environment
JCAN NYC raises up a distinctly Jewish voice for climate justice. Climate change is not only a technical crisis, but a spiritual one – and thus demands embracing a spiritual answer, informed by ancient law and tradition. Read more about what Jewish tradition teaches us about caring for the planet.